Contact list:

With the "Contacts" functionality, it is much easier and easier to make shipments from the web to your most frequent recipients.

You can easily create and manage your contact list, if you wish you can manually fill in your contact details or import an Excel file.

SMS sending lists:

To send to a significant number of destinations, it is best to create a shipping list. You can do it using an Excel file or add the data directly to our website, that is to say manually.

- List upload via Excel file:

 Save the file in 'Excel 5.0 / 95' format before starting the process.

 All cells in the spreadsheet must be in text format.

 The mobile columns must be entered with the international format, that is, starting with “+” and including the country code (for example for Spain: + 34XXXXXXXXX). For Excel to enter the cell in text format, you must put an apostrophe (') before the "+". See your Excel documentation.

Now you must click on “Lists and contacts”, “Fax and SMS sending lists”, select the service to which you want to add the list and “Create a new list”.

 Enter the name of the list.

 Enter the name of the columns in the same order they are in your Excel file.

 If you have any column such as name, company, last name, address; you must select the type "Other". To select “Mobile” select the type “Mobile”.

 When loading data from the list, select "Via Excel file" and select your file.

A screen will appear with valid and erroneous records. Press the "Continue" button.

To send the created lists, we must go to the option "Send SMS" select the name of the list in "Send to list".

- Upload to list manually:

Click on “Lists and contacts”, “Fax and SMS sending lists”, select the service to which you want to add the list and “Create a new list”.

 Enter the name of the list.

 Enter the name of the columns to be added to your list (eg, name, surname, fax). You can add up to 8 columns.

 For columns such as First name, company, last name, address; you must select the type "Other". To select “Mobile” select the type “Mobile”.

 When loading data from the list, select “Manually”.

 Now we must add the records, for this click on “Add records”.

 Add the records you want, for that list or amount from excel file.

To send the created lists, we must go to the option "Send SMS" select the name of the list in "Send to list".

Send filter for fax and sms:

Practice responsible marketing and be sure to respect the wishes of those who request not to receive them.

Include these mobile numbers in the list and our system will be responsible for blocking them if they were mistakenly included in any shipment.