To allow a user to call from Infocaller App using an Infocaller virtual number charged to the account’s credit, you must follow these steps:

  1. Access ‘My Account’ at the Infocaller website. Then, ‘Manage Users’. 
  2. Click on ‘New user’ and enter the email address that the user will use to sign in to Infocaller app.  
  3. Select the virtual number or numbers to which you want to grant access. Then press ‘Continue’. 

When the user logs in to the app using the authorized email address, permission to use the account’s credit and virtual numbers will be directly granted.

Nevertheless, permission to call from Infocaller App with the user’s mobile number will not be automatically granted. The Infocaller account administrator will receive an email including a link to authorize calls from the user’s mobile number to be charged to the account. If the administrator decides to authorize this, clicking on the link will configure all the necessary permissions.